FSSAI LIC No : 21519051000555



Milk & other dairy products are now available in Mall , Convenience stores and neighborhood groceries store Anybody here searching Desi Cow A2 category milk regular availability in store near by your residence pls call on +91 8828189449 .

We need 25 consumer just to start the service in your area

Pass it on to whoever needs it.

For more details about A2 milk pls search on google just type "benefits of a2 milk" . you will feel amazed

Services available in: Navi Mumbai, Palava City Dombivali, Thane


Our Own distribution network deliver dairy products to your doorstep in refrigerated Vans.


Packaging is typically done by the dairy processor. All glass bottles, Cans & Pouches are designed to keep dairy products fresh, clean and wholesome.


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Milk Transport

Milk is transported from farm to processing unit in specially desigh insulated Vans.

Milk Production

Dairy cows are housed, fed and milked on dairy farms. On average, a cow in the farm gave about 5-7 ltr of milk every day.

Production of Feed for cows

The dairy supply chain begins with growing crops such as corn, alfalfa hay and soybeans etc to feed dairy cows. About 50 percent of feed is grown on the farm by dairy farmers; the rest is purchased from other farmers.

For any Queries call us on + 91 8828 189 449 / 8080 823 243

FSSAI LIC No : 21519051000555